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Qualifying requirements to members of the National Guild
of Professional Consultants (NGPC)


   Actual membership
  • Professional consultant must provide consulting services in Russia for at least 5 years in industrial, governmental or private sector. Consulting services must include two or more consulting domains that are consistent with the Classification of objectives of management consulting approved by NGPC, and also by European standards (ICMCI). The Council of NGPC can affiliate a professional consultant with work experience in Russia from 3 to 5 year if he/she is member of a foreign or international Association of management consultants.   
  • Professional consultant (a firm) must be independent legal entity with bank account and State registration. If he/she is a member of a limited company he/she must act in one's individual capability. 
  • Professional consultant (a firm) must have a constant staff of no less than 5 consultants with practice in at least two consulting domains.
  • No less than 25% of a constatn staff of the professional consultant (a firm) must have length of service there more than 3 years. 
  • Average period of work in a firm must be no less than 1 year.
  • No less than  90% of consultants in a firm must have a university education or equivalent higher education in specialities corresponding to consulting domains of their services. 
  • Professional consultant must comply with the Code of Professional Conduct and Rules of behavior for NGPC member. 


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