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Code of Professional Conduct for Member of the
National Guild of Professional Consultants (NGPC)
according to international standards


   Principle 1
   Satisfying clients' demands
  • A member must always prioritize satisfying clients' requests and interests. 
    A member will accept only assignments which the member has the skills and knowledge to perform to satisfy clients' demands; a member will not arrogate and will provide references from other clients, if necessary.
  • A member will ensure that before accepting any engagement, a mutual understanding of the objectives, scope, work plan, and fee arrangements has been established; any subsequent corrections will be a subject of the preliminary discussion and agreement with a client. 
  • A member will treat client information as confidential and will neither take personal advantage of privileged information gathered during an assignment, nor enable others to do so.
  • A member ensures that advices, decisions and recommendations will be rested upon careful, unprejudiced consideration and examination of all available and relevant facts and experience; all his recommendations will be realistic, realizable and clear for clients.  
  Principle 2
  Honesty, independence, objectivity
  • Consultant must avoid any actions or situations that are incompatible with his professional obligations or can someway let down the consultant.  Consultant will not conform personal interests in his/her recommendations. 
  • Consultant will disclose any special relations, circumstances or business interests that could affect  judgments or objectivity of the consultant ( including negative influence, or to client's or other's opinion, could affect including negative influence) during performance of a concrete task.  
  • Consultant will provide no services to clients neither in conditions incompatible with professional responsibilities of the consultant nor in cases that can someway let down the consultant. In conflicting cases or situations of potential conflict of interests  consultant must (depending on the situation) exit the task or remove a source of a conflict, or explain oneself and receive agreement of concerned parties to execution or resumption of the contract.
  • Consultant will inform his/her client about any important limitations concerning contract's benefits expecting by the client. 
  • Consultant will show no short-term benefits in prejudice of long-term prosperity of the client not informing client about possible consequences. 
Responsibility to profession and the National Guild of Professional Consultants
  • Consultant's actions must always be aimed at strengthening of the reputation, public recognition of a profession and NGPC. 
  • Consultant will fulfill NGPC's requirements of a continual professional self-improvement so as to provide actual level of knowledges and skills. 
  • Consultant must respect professional responsibilities and qualification of all people with whom he works. 
  • Consultant will conduct negotiations about conclusion of agreements and professional service payment using only ethic and professional approaches accepted in NGPC.
  • Consultant must conform to requirements of the profession "management consultant".


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