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Сборники НГПК: Инновационные подходы в управлении и консалтинге: обучающий консалтинг Innovative approaches in management and consulting: educational consulting
Your polygraphic partner, 2010-2011
М.: 356 p., il.
ISBN 978-5-4253-0204-5
Pressrun: 100 ex.

The fourth collection from series "Materials of International Consulting Forums" prepared by the National Guild of Professional Consultants includes both research articles related to innovations in education and consulting, and results of best practices in educational consulting of leading experts and consultants of Russia. Works of B.V. Sazonov devoted to innovative topics are gathered in Supplement. The collection is addressed to practicing consultants, educators, potential users of the educational consulting.

Сборники НГПК: Методологические проблемы интегрированного консалтинга Methodological problems of integrated consulting
Publishing house: Quattro-Print, 2006.
ISBN 5-98886-003-6

The collection was released on results of the Second International Forum. It's an instantaneous integral picture of the condition of the part of the consulting community  in Russia and neighbouring countries. Some forms of data's representation are maximally approximated to live processes occuring during Forum. The collection contains deep theoretic and methodological developings, as well as description of concrete practical problems in consulting practice.   

Сборники НГПК: Методологические проблемы коммуникацииMethodological problems of communication
ISBN 978-5-91146-109-6
М, 2007

The collection was released on results of the Third International Forum. It includes presentations of several consulting schools, articles, essay, results of discussions at debating clubs of the Forum. Communication is regarded from three perspectives: methodologist's, consultant-practician's, direct participant's of communication in situation "here and now" at the Forum. The collection is adressed to practicing consultants, metodologists, specialists on communication, students, broad spectrum of potential users of consulting services.
Сборники НГПК: Тренды в методах управления, образования, консалтинга Trends in methods of management, education, consulting

The present collection is dedicated to
forecasts of current (present) trends in management, education and consulting in Russia. Leading russian experts offer their vision of the arising tendencies.Also the collection includes processed results of informative discussions during IV Forum. 

Сборники НГПК: Некоторые вопросы повышения эффективности деятельности российских консультационных компаний Some questions concerning the effectiveness of russian consulting companies. Analytical review under the editorship of S.G. Shevchenko. M. "IPZ Maska". 2007. 184 pp. 

The present Analytical review represents analysis of the present state of the market of consulting services in Russia.  This work attempted to spotlight  present developments, opinions, estimations on current questions of national consulting as broad as possible. Main attention is paid to questions of services' promoting and different types of communication in consulting business. The analytical review is prepared by the consulting company "SPLAN-Holding" within the project of NGPC for the Third International Consulting Forum (november 2006). 

Сборники НГПК: Методологические проблемы интегрированного консалтинга Near the last shore: adapted from the project of NGPC at Solovki
ublishing House The Third Rome, 2003
М.: 192 pp.
ISBN 5-88924-190-7

Support of the project was made by the Foundation "Eurasia" (Grant  № М02-0258) using the funds of Agency of International Development  of USA (USAID)

This collection of articles and data about  Solovki, was prepared  by the NGPC and based on the results of the accomplished project "Development of conception of strategic program of revival and futher development of the Solovetsky Archipelago". The edition includes articles and data that bear record to fateful and dramatic events occuring  in autumn-spring of 2002-2003 and holding out hope to sooner  invigoration of the situation at Archipelago. Authors attempted to represent an
objective vision of parties involved in the events and to make the phraseology understandable. The collection is adressed to mainstream  readership that is interested in the fate of Solovli, as well as to representatives of authorities of all levels  that should (must) make decisions about Solovki's future. 




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