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Center «Financial management» at NGPC unites competencies in the areas of corporate finance, investment and financial management. Main areas of the Center's activity are represented by consulting, educational and research projects.

We will be glad to cooperate with Your in the following fields of our specialization:

Training within corporate and open programs:

  • exclusive programs on finance training for top-managers;
  • training and competence's development programs for specialists of financial and economic services of companies;
  • training programs on finances for nonfinancial managers.
Consulting services:
  • audit of management accounting and management statements;
  • formulation and improvement in systems of management statements and accounting;
  • development of internal procedures and regulations in financial management;
  • assessment and analysis of investment opportunities and development of business plans of investment projects, providing interaction with potential and existing investors. 
  • examination of the best practice of financial management;
  • research on companies' case requests;
  • studies of different methods and practices of financial management.
We will be pleased to give You additional information and to answer Your questions!


Director of the Center "Financial management" of NGPC - Lebedev Pavel Viktorovich



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