"Scenary approach in management and consulting:
challenges and possibilities of the crisis"
29 - 30 NOVEMBER 2008 year, Moscow.

Îctober crisis of 2008 year in its entirety took up the matter with russian business-community: what are possible scenarios of events' development  and what to do? The fact of insufficiency of the previously successful practical methods of planning, functioning and reduction of risks became obvious. For solving of nonstandard problems nonstandard methods are needed. SCENARY APPROACH is one of them.  In scenario generation there conjoin together best world achievements, russian intellectual developments, experience of realization under the conditions of high degree of uncertainty. 

Forum is a unique place where each participant will get an answer to his/her questions and will schedule personal strategies on the next few months. 
Forum is not a typical conference with reports and pre arranged questions, but an open platform for active performance of all participants. 

Leading russian experts in geopolitics, macroeconomics and foresight methods were invited to the Forum-2008:
Satarov Georgiy Alexandrovich.

Blagoveschenskiy Yuri Nikolaevich.

Malinovsky Pavel Vladimirovich.

Sokolov Alexandr Vasilyevich.
Among participants of the Forum there were well-known consultants and experts: consultant on organizational development Artashes Gazaryan, methodologist Boris Sazonov, management consultant Mikhail Ivanov, coach-consultant Veleria Ustinova.