Innovative approaches
 in management and consulting:

educative consulting

26-27 november 2010, Moscow Region, Odinzhovo 

   VI International Forum of the National Guild of Professioanal Consultants took place in 26-27 of november. It was dedicated to central theme concerning positive changes in Russia - the problem of staffing of modernization and innovation.
Посмотреть фотографиюVI International Forum was devoted to memory of the first president of NGPC, established expert in innovative problematics - V.S. Dudchenko. 
   Purpose of the Forum – to consider and to position of educative consulting as one of tutorial instruments for managerial staff for innovative economics.
   Practics of the present consulting includes mandatory member  - transfer of knowledge to clients and forming of relevant skills. What management consultants could and are ready to offer to new quickly growing innovative market? To what extent methods of staff training used by consultants are adequate to needs of innovative clients? With what structures and state institutes is it necessary to contact for providing the maximum effect?
   The Forum gives the oppotunity not only to reflect on questions together but to search instruments and mechanisms of active participation in training of managerial staff.
   Topics tabled on the Forum:
  1. Innovative and modernizational processes in present Russia: myth or actual perspective. Problems on this way today, and how consultants could assist their solution.
  2. Consulting, business and educational communities: possibilities of complementarity. What can be Consulting-educational clusters like.
  3. Innovative approaches and technologies of education in consulting. What are the measure of effectiveness of consultant's work (what he/she leaves behind).
   Program of the Forum traditionally includes thematic talks, work of discussional platforms and project groups. 
   The Forum gathered together representatives of corporations, municipal authorities, innovative organizations, educational institutions.