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  • Strategy of NGPC - is a sum of initiatives/strategies of its members; independent directions of the Guild's activity are formed on the basis of independent strategies;
  • leader of the given direction takes responsibility for development of the initiated direction;
  • financial independence and confidentiality of each direction;
  • exchange of resources between directions and NGPC: it uses resources of the Guild and allocates part of the comings from its activity to NGPC.

Rules that furnish internal security and viability of NGPC

Basic rules:

1. Infallibility in words. This rule guarantees reliability in partnership, eliminates duplicate recording system, potentiates the meaning of words and energy of action.  

2. Not bitching. This rule requiring common decency guarantees (if it's been obeying) safety of contacts and relations, sureness that no chances will make the partner to stand hostile to you.  

3. Care for partners' interests. This rule guarantees mutual profit of business relations. 

Rules of informational hygiene:

4. Not to disseminate negative information. 

5. Not to disseminate negative information behind ones back.

6. Not to pass negative information to its object.  

7. Not to pass misleading information. 

8. Not to burden others with unwanted information. 

Rules that guarantee the possibility of building and maintenance of positive relations:     

9. Don't take part in squabbles, gossips, intrigues, callusions, denunciations, name-calling, baiting and other conflict-providing actions.

10. If you are forced into conflict - master it, don't comply with logic and screenplay of the conflict.



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