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Dear colleagues!

I welcome you to our site of the business association of professional consultants of Russia. Why did we include the word "professional" into the title of our organization? For participants of NGPC a "professional" means either individual specialist or company providing intellectual services that are wanted by the market, meet high world standards of quality and reliability; it also means receiving adequate payment. Professional conducts successful practices, participates in development of institutes of consulting market applying instruments that can provide professional association. 

 Noncommercial partnership "National Guild of Professional Consultants" was founded in January 2000 by 12 active participants of the consulting community of Russia. Lydia Valentinovna Chuckina was the mover and leader of the foundation of a new up-market association of management consultants. The well-known sociologist, consultant and methodologist , Vyacheslav Sergeevich Dudchenko (1940-2007) became the first president of NGPC and headed one of directions of its activity - the "innovative consulting". For 11 years the Guild has passed into a specialized professional organization consolidating civilized representatives of business, consulting and government. Participants of  NGPC consider it as a business association of equal right partners sharing such values as poliparadigmality, mutual development, initialization and conducting collective/complex projects. Projects are aimed at the task solution of internal problems of participants of the Guild and external partners: regional authorities,  entrepreneurial and business structures, noncommercial organizations, business associations. Such trend of activity requires from members of our association a mutual confidence, responsibility, reservoir of positive strength, readiness for team-work. We continuously increase the net of experts and specialists that are established  bearers of competences in particular areas of knowledges and economics.  

To speak shortly of our unicity, the Guild represents scientifically-educationally-consultative consortium working as a business network. 

Starting from the 2001 year, we arrange annual consulting Forums on subjects that are the mostly actual for our clients and are in need to be discussed together with them. NGPC publishes specialized Collections based on results of these Forums.  
We organize annual workshop "Profession: management consultant" to formulate coordinated opinions about subject, methods, specifics of management consulting, as well as about essential  institutional mechanisms of professional development. 
Every month we arrange master-classes and discussions in Intellectual workshop where new products, ideas and projects are discussed. 
NGPC released monthly electron Informational Bulletin with news of russian and world consulting. 
During the "Methodical workbench" (arranged on the initiative of participants of NGPC) consultants work out new technologies and products that they subsequently use in their practice both together and individually. Among unique developings of the Guild there are: "Integrated consulting", "Express-consulting", "Scenary consulting", "Scientifically-educationally-consultative cluster", "Associated (accompanying) consulting".
Also, on the initiative of members of NGPC we create specialized Centers that work in project regime. 

If You are a professional, if our values are similar,
if You are ready to do yet more together, welcome!



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