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Organizational system of the Guild

- Participants: founders and members; 

- Supreme authority - General meeting: all members and founders; 

- Supreme elected body: the Board

- Founders: constant part of the Board

- Third of the Council's members: variable part; 

- Standing elected body: Presidium of the Board: president and two vice-presidents that are elected for three years, and executive general manager that is elected for five years.  

- Supreme executive body:  Board of administrators that is headed by the executive general manager.    

Kartaev Sergey Djarashovich.
Consultant of the
executive general manager of the "synapse-MSK". 
Kozhevnikov Dmitry Evgenievich. 
Main activity - consulting on strategy and development of fabricators. 
Maracha Vyacheslav Gennadievich
Consultant in strategic management, regional development and development of innovative activity. Head of the direction in the Center of national and municipal programs of NGPC. 
Research manager of Center of strategy realization “MetaConsulting” (, head of projects of Noncommercial scientific fund “Institute of development by name of G.P. Schedrovizky” ( where he conducts interdisciplinary methodological seminar “Institutes and institutionalization” (
Nenashev Victor Nikolaevich.
Executive general manager of ETB "Project".
Pronin Mihkail Anatolievich.
Partner, head of the project 
«CURSUS.RU». Vice-president of NGPC. 
Ptukha Anastasia Romanovna.
Head of 
"Step by step".  Chairman of NGPC, consultant on strategic marketing. 

Chukina Lidia Valentinovna.
Director General of NGPC.
Shevchenko Sergey Grigorievich.
Executive general manager  of the consulting company «СПЛАН». Vice-president of NGPC.  



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