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From the Rules of the National Guild of Professional Consultants


3. Subject, AIMS and OBJECTIVES  of the Guild's activities
3.1. Aims of the Guild
The Guild as a legal entity is organized for achieving social, educational, scientific, administrative and other goals that are prescribed by the Law "Of noncommercial organizations" and include: 
• Associations of professional consultants with different specialities;
• Increase of effectiveness of consulting and business activity in different branches and enterprises;
• Business application of the national economic policy;
• Reduction of risks in economic activity;
• Supporting effective communication between consultants, business and government;
• Supporting development and introduction of innovations in all fields (domains, areas) of society and economy;
• Development of the market of consulting services;
• Quality maintain of consulting solutions;
• Educational activity.
3.2. Objectives of the Guild:
• Forecasting of the changes in external environment of consulting;
• Providing business with information for decision making;
• Development of the public profile of the economic agents;
• Development, analysis, evaluation and introduction of new technology and consalting techniques;
• Positioning on the market of  consalting organizations;
• Examination, analysis and generalization of consalting experiences, research in consalting domains;
• Solution of the complex problems in management consulting requiring  integrated approach;
• Arrangement of the environment for communication between representatives of business, government and consulting;
• Development of the internet-area;
•  Arrangement of  meetings between representatives of business, government and consulting for specific problem's solution.
3.3. Activities of the Guild.
For achieving aims and objectives of the Rules the Guild performs the following types of activities:
• Publishing activities;
• Creation of tutorial, scientific, promotional and  other movies and video films on consalting;
• Carrying out all types of consultations;
• Expert examination of normative acts'  versions of Government and municipal authorities;
• Carrying out arrangements on communication of experience, knowledge, methodology between members  of the Guild;
• Development and realization of the methods and introduction of integrated consulting;
• Marketing in behalf of members of the Guild (market monitoring, promotion,  presentation of interests, publicity, assistance in searching clients etc.);
• Examination of native and foreign methods of consulting, other studies in consulting domain;
• Organization of informative service of consultants on matters of concern;
• Organization and carrying out trainings on special programs, workshops  for professional development;
• Positioning of the Guild as organization that uses complex approach in task solutions for business, consulting and government;
• Arrangement and participation in exhibitions, seminars, other activities in consulting;
• Collection, storage, processing and realization of information on any types of recording medium;
• Other activities, that are not forbidden by Law of Russian Federation.
3.4. Activities that are limited by the Law of Russian Federation "About  licensing special forms of activity" are executed by the Guild only after obtaining corresponding licenses.
4.1. Members of the Guild are juridical and individual persons that approved the present Rules. New members could be affiliated to the Guild by approbation of members of the Guild. Members of the Guild could be: citizenry of Russian Federation aged eighteen, foreign citizens, stateless citizens, Russian and foreign juridical persons that agree with the present Rules and assist in achieving tasks and objectives of the Guild.
Membership in the Guild is associated with payment of the affiliation and other membership fees. The contribution rate is specified by the General meeting of members of the Guild.
4.2. Affiliation to members of the Guild during establishing of the Guild is accomplished on authority of individual or juridical person's decision by approval of the present Rules and formation of consistent contract.
   Hereafter affiliation of new members of the Guild is carried out on recommendation of no less than two Members of the Guild and by virtue of the relevant claim-obligation of the applicant. Also the affiliation is carried out by the decision of the Board of the Guild. The decision is approved on the next General meeting of members of the Guild and is finalized by accession to consistent contract. In case of not approval of the application by the General meeting of the Guild the applicant can give in the affiliation again in six months. 
4.3. Exclusion  from members of the Guild is carried out either on request of the Member, or because of the following reasons:
- Direct property impairment to the Guild by wrongful acts of the Member;
- If the Member during three months does not pay affiliation, special-purpose, membership and other fees in full that are prescribed by the General meeting of the Guild;
- Not compensation of the damage to the Guild;
- Nonfeasance or thwarting purpose of the Guild;
4.4. Membership in the Guild could be suspended for the term of no more than three months by the decision of the Board of the Guild.
Suspending of the membership is carried out in the following cases:
- On request of the Member to suspend his/her membership together with an indication of the term and reason of suspending;
- Not paying fees within the prescribed by the General meeting of the Guild time limit;
- Not meeting her/his obligations towards the Guild.
  If the renewal of the membership does not take place within three months the Board of the Guild could raise a question about expulsion from membership of the Guild.
4.5. Members of the Guild have the right to:
- participate in Guild's activities;
- participate in administration of the Guild, elect and be elected to administration and control authorities of the Guild;
- get information about Guild's activity including accounting and statistical reporting;
- have privileges and benefits for members of the Guild;
- establish and develop bilateral and multilateral contacts by the agency of the Guild;
- have defense of one's interests by the agency of the Guild within the constraints of its rights, juridical and economic possibilities;
- stop being a member of the Guild in one's discretion (in that case Member of the Guild can't get  part of its property or part of the cost of its property that is transferred into ownership of the Guild by its members);
- in cases of liquidation of the Guild get part of the Guild's property (or its cost) that remains after final pay to creditors.
4.6.  Members of the Guild have an obligation to:
- follow conditions of the Rules;
- do not disclose of confidential information about the Guild's activity;
- refrain from actions that can do harm to activities of the Guild;
- participate in joint activity of the Guild, to support formulation and realization of  specific programs and arrangements of the Guild;
- implement decisions of managing board of the Guild;
- render mutual assistance to other Members of the Guild within the framework of
its activity;
meet obligations towards the Guild;
- pay affiliation, annual membership and other fees on timely basis. 


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