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 Members of NGPC



National universal scientific library of Belgorod.
Director: Nadezda Petrovna Rozhkova
Publishing house The Third Rome.
Head: Beschetnov Konstantin Victorovich.
Deputy of State Duma of Federal assembly of RF of the fifth convocation (2008-2011), member of the Committee on economic policy and enterprise.
Institute of management, marketing and finances.
Rector: Zayzheva Olga Anatolyevna.
Rector of the Institute of management, marketing and finance».
PhD in Economical Sciences, associate professor.
Filiation of the Institute of management, marketing and finances in Lippezhk.

Director: Zabiyako Sergey Valeryevich
Director of filiation of the Institute of management, marketing and finances in Lippezhk
PhD in Technical Sciences.
Consulting firm Inform-Consult.
Chukina Lidia Valentinovna, General Director of the NGPC 
Consulting company "SPLAN".

General manager: Shevchenko Sergey Grigorievich, vice-president of NGPC.
Marketing agency Step by Step.


Anastasia Romanovna Ptuha
Member of the Board of the Guild


International Management development association  CEEMAN.
Danica Purg.

President of CEEMAN.

School of Busineaa "Arsenal" .
Bulavin Vytaliy

Creative manager

Школа консультантов по управлению АНХи ГС при Правительстве РФSchool for management consultants attached to the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
The first and so far unique
School for management consultants on the whole space of the former USSR . Graduate of SMC acquires state-recognized degree that certifies his authority to practise a profession in the area of management consulting.
Address: 119571, Moscow, Vernadskogo prospect, 82, RPANEaPA, hotel, of. 412
Tel: (495) 433-25-26

Director of the SMC: Prof. Prigozin Arkadiy Ilyich.    Assistant director:   Ph.D. Mikhilov Vadim Olegovich.
Экспертно-аналитическая и информационно-рейтинговая компания «ЮНИПРАВЭКС»Expert-analytical and informational-rating company UNIPRAVEX.  
Address for correspondence: 101000, Moscow, P.O.B. 5 - Zimin, for Zimin Victor Alekseevich
Corporate mobile phone: 8-916-589-26-56 (twenty-four-hour)
General manager:  

Zimin Victor Alekseevich.

Expert-technological bureau PROJECT.
Main field of activity: value assessment of financial credit documents (stocks, data bills, etc) and ratios in ownership capitals, assets (of business), real properties, intangible assets (including intellectual property assets), equipment, transport means, and other interests, including right to use and right of demand
109004, Moscow, Nikoloyamskaya str, 29/1.
Tel: (495) 626-7171, 740-3448.

General manager: 
Nenashev Victor Nikolaevich, Member of Board of the Guild.  



Baranov Pavel Vasilyevich
principal research officer of the International research institution of management problems, associate director and principal consultant of the "IMI Consulting", professor of the Russian-American School of business, assistant professor of the department of economics and management of the MPTI, assistant professor of the ANE of the Government of RF, candidate of psychological sciences. 

Bubnov Alexandr Vladimirovich.
Managing partner of Center of Innovative Consulting "Delphi".
Director of the regional multiple shop retailing in large companies of sport, shoe and clothing retail. 

Gvozdik Oleg Alexandrovich.
 Consulting in strategic marketing, strategies of the companies' development, marketing of retail business and development, territorial marketing.

Golubkova Ludmila Georgievna.
Specialist in management, having more than 20 years of experience in executive position in Russian and west organizations with different forms of ownership and branches of activity. The author of books and publications on problems of the modern management.
Ibragimov Gleb Eduardovich.
Chairman of board of directors of the company "Standard of cleanness", vice-president of the holding company of dry-cleaner's-washhouses "Diana".

Ivanov Leonid Anatolyevich
ГGeneral director and the main consultant of the consulting firm "Ivanov and Partners". Specialist in operational and marketing management, organization of wholesale and retail sales. 
The leader of the business-school of Leonid Ivanov.

Kartaev Sergey Djarashovich.
Consultant of the executive general manager of the "synapse-MSK". Member of the Board of NGPC.
Kozhevnikov Dmitriy Evgenievich.
Main activity - consulting in strategy and development of fabricators.  
Korolikhin Andrey Valeryevich.
МВА, Director and cofounder of the Russian School of Couching, Leader and cofounder of the PARK - the Professional Association of russian speaking coaches,  Member of the Board of Directors and head of the committee of marketing and PR in the Russian representation office of the international Couching Federation (ICF).,
Kravchenko Igor Lvovich.
Director of the State upper secondary school,  consultant in management and organizational development. 

Kuimov Vladimir Alexeevich.
Manager of the unit investment trusts, consultant on collective investments, management company "Aureole" (Khanty-Mansi private pension capital fund), Moscow.   
Lebedev Pavel Victorovich
Expert in strategic and financial management, associate director of Center “Banking management” of the faculty of finances and banking business of the Russian Academy of economics and state service of president of RF, member of the International association of management development and business-education CEEMAN, member of the council of experts of the magazine “Consultant”.
Maracha Vyacheslav Gennadievich
Consultant in strategic management, regional development and development of innovative activity. Head of the direction in the Center of national and municipal programs of NGPC. 
Research manager of Center of strategy realization “MetaConsulting” (, head of projects of Noncommercial scientific fund “Institute of development by name of G.P. Schedrovizky” ( where he conducts interdisciplinary methodological seminar “Institutes and institutionalization” (
Pronin Mikhail Anatolievich.
Partner, head of the project  «CURSUS.RU». Vice-president of NGPC. 


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